Thursday, 22 September 2016


Picture Blend

The purpose of this image is to portray the message that Coca Cola is ice cold and refreshing. (The feature of coldness is being compared to the polar bear.)

Monday, 19 September 2016

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Screen Shot

This is a screenshot folders after I learned how to organize them by creating new folders to categorize my files.

Feathered Edge

The effect on this image is called a feathered edge. Some examples of places where this effect may be used could include movies, magazines, posters, ect... If I were to advertise this image it would be in car magazines/ websites. The purpose of this photo would be to sell the car; most likely to older men who have money.

Ragged Edge Border

Blurred Border

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Magazine Photo

This photo is from Canadian living magazine. Some features of this image that were likely made with Photoshop include the tagged edge border as well as the drop shadow effect. The message behind the advertisement is that Rice Krispies are an excellent choice for a child's breakfast. based on the message I also believe that the intended audience are young parents.